Our baskets give dough the necessary support and assure even fermentation and shape whilst proving.
Essential for beautiful bread!
Our Bannetons/Proving Baskets are made in Germany from compressed wood pulp. This is extracted from spruce wood from native forests and is therefore a far better alternative from an environmental perspective.
Use & Care:
Sprinkle with wheat or rice flour to cover the complete inside surface area of the basket before placing the wet dough inside to proof.
After each use, shake out any remaining flour and allow the basket to dry. If there is a built up of flour or dry dough residue over time, allow the basket to dry completely before brushing with preferably a stiff brush of bristle. Never stack baskets immediately after use. Allow them to dry completely before storing.
If over time you happen to notice spots of mould on the basket, dry it out and brush off as per above instructions.
Price is inclusive of VAT