We want to help you finding the right tools and equipment
That is why at Flour Pantry, we go to great lengths to find the best tools, often produced over generations by passionate artisans.
We have selected several exceptional instruments and machines .
what we sell
Baking Ovens
These machines are some of the best the market can offer and made by specialist in Italy. Most of the equipment is made to order, to suit the most demanding bakery production. Quality and functionality are primordial.
Dough Mixers
These machines are some of the best the market can offer and made by specialist in Italy. Most of the equipment is made to order, to suit the most demanding bakery production. Quality and functionality are primordial.
Baking Tools
Good tools are half the work. Discover eco, lasting, artisan tools to make every bake a success.
Sourced directly from producers
We select producers who share our love of real food, our respect for the land and our dedication to flavour and quality.
By sourcing produce during their real seasonal window, we bring back richer and more complex flavours and at the same time support a sustainable and food ecosystem. Food as it should be.